Our 'Women, Money, and Energy of Life' Book Releases April 6th

**It’s almost here! Save the Date! Our book: “Women of the World Network®: Women, Money and Energy of Life” will be launching on Thursday, April 6th. It will be available on Amazon for a special introductory rate of $1.99 USD!   

This book is not only about having money but also about being able to choose for yourself how much you want to earn, how much you want to work, how you can create a life your way, and having confidence that you can achieve that whatever you are after. 

I would be so honored if you would mark the date on your calendar and share this opportunity with your friends, contacts, and colleagues. 

What an amazing event celebrating our anniversary and women from all over the world!

Such an amazing celebration event last Friday! My heart is full of joy! We had such amazing day celebrating our anniversary with these unique, authentic, beautiful women, eating International food, networking, celebrating women from 10+ countries worldwide, and dancing salsa!!  You are all so amazing!! Countries included Mexico , Ukraine , India , Uzbekistan , Kazakhstan , USA , Belgium , Hong Kong , Romania , Philippines  , Kenya , Greece !! 

If you are interested to join the most authentic and diverse community, check out our upcoming events here

Embracing Authentic Sales Cycle Workshop

I am excited to share specific tips for the Authentic Sales Cycle process with you in our upcoming free workshop. This is also perfect discusson for the beginning of the year to help you reach your sales objectives this quarter.

You are invited to our upcoming free workshop on 'Embracing Authentic Sales' on February 20th @12pm PT?

If you have not registered yet, you can RSVP for this workshop here

Five Perseverance tips for Women Entrepreneurs

Hope your week is amazing so far!

You probably know that everyone goes through their own challenges in life or in business. Entrepreneurs sometimes have to go through more perseverance and be more persistent to keep building their businesses.

I remember when I exercised my perseverance during the GMAT tests when applying for MBA program. I definitely remember exercising my perseverance skills when selling the products in my first business. I persevered until I hit my goal. What I noticed is it does get easier with time because I am used to continue going forward and upgrading and improving my skill.

We just recorded a new podcast on this topic and if you have not yet listened to it, check it out here. We are sharing 5 tips for you to strengthen your perseverance. Check it out here.

Sending love,

Elle and WOTWN

A Day with Women of the World Network

Have you heard about our upcoming event called “A Day with WOW”?

Come join us on March 10th for a day of connection, games, networking, celebration of International Women's Day, and our 4th Anniversary! Lunch is included. 10AM PT-4PM PT



  •  We will have International food for you to sample

  •  You are welcome to wear something that represents your country of origin

  • If you are a member and would like to donate anything for the goodie bag, please email us: info@womenoftheworldnetwork.com

  • Friday, March 10 at 10AM-4PM PT

  • 1850 2nd Street, Livermore, CA

  • Member price: $97 

  • ​Non-member price: $120

Join our community and receive a bonus

Our membership access is closing THIS WEEK and we wanted to send you this last reminder to join us. 

Take a quick look of what we offer in our Community & Strengthen memberships here

In addition to that, we are also giving you the following: 

18 months instead of regular 12 months in our community, AND
- Chance to win one of our Worldly Woman Box Raffle, AND
- 15-minute business strategy session with Elle for all who join us before 11:59PM December 22, 2022.


We look forward to welcoming you to our amazing community!

Elle and WOTWN

Join Our events This Week and Receive a Free Gift

Join our events this week and receive a free gift

As we are all celebrating 2022 and getting ready to meet 2023, we have two events this week that are our final events this year and we would love to see you!

One of them is our Q&A call about our community and answering questions you might have. Another event is our End-of-the -year Social online event with games, networking, panel, and a featured speaker on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. All live attendees recieve a free gift from us at both calls below. You can RSVP for both or either one below.

RSVP for Q&A on December 9th @11AM PT here

RSVP for Social on December 10th @10AM PT here

Look forward to seeing you!

A Letter to Yourself from the Future

Have you written a letter to yourself before? Today, we are talking about writing a letter to yourself from yourself in 3-5 years from now.

Check out this video below on why you want to write a letter to yourself. :-)

We understand how important it is to be part of an authentic, quality community of sisters that help you achieve your goals, if you are curious about our community, feel free to book an inquiry call here

New Podcast Recording: Women, Money, and Culture

What comes to you when I ask you this question: "How does your background limit or favor you?"

I like to ask this question at our podcasts because it usually uncovers different sides of our personalities that we have and how it connects to who we are today.

Different cultural norms and upbringings influence the way we receive and give money as multinational women. This month we are talking about money mindset in our community and our recent podcast is dedicated to how our background beliefs and messages, we heard growing up, might influence our decisions in life today.

In our recent episode on our Podcast I discuss:

- Importance of understanding how we receive and give money & why 
- How our background is connected to our decisions today
- How old messages might still be influencing your decisions today

Check out this episode here

Fabulous, Fulfilled, and Free VIP Day

It's time have an FFF Day!!
We invite you for a Fabulousness, Fulfillment, and
Freedom Day (FFF Day)!!

Have you ever felt you are implementing the programs to bring your business forward but sometimes might lose a sense of clear path forward, the path that reflects exactly who you are?

What if I told you that after 6 hours of working together with you, we can develop a clear path for you going forward? During this process, we will identify your business model, discuss your challenges and bounce ideas together, develop a clear marketing path and strategy for 2023, and bust your money limiting beliefs?

I'd love to invite you to our VIP Fabulousness, Fulfillment, and Freedom Day! More info

This VIP Day is probably NOT for you if:

- You have a clear plan what you going to do next year

- You have a clear path on how to achieve it

- You have marketing strategy & communication path for 2023
- You know your money archetype and how you can use it to achieve your business goals

This VIP Day is for you if:

- You'd like to receive a clear path in your life & business that does not take weeks to prepare

- You'd like to resolve business challenges through having another brain to bounce ideas

- A clear path for 2023 to 10X your investment

- You'd like to bring your fabulous self forward

- You'd like to receive marketing & sales direction for 2023

- You'd like to bust your money limiting beliefs
- You have plenty of ideas but not sure which one to implement first

More information here

Invitation to WOW Social this Saturday

It has been awhile since we got together. We having a WOW Social virtual event this coming Saturday and would love to see you!

If you are looking to learn about cultures, meet other amazing women, network, play games, and just have fun, join us for our WOW Social this Saturday, September 24th @10AM PT. It is open for members and non-members. Free to participate. RSVP here.

See you all then!