A Day of Encouragement

Yesterday there was a national day of encouragement. I want to ask you - how do you encourage others? Most importantly, how do you encourage yourself to keep going?

"Flatter me, and i may not believe you. Criticize me, and i may not like you, ignore me, and i may not forgive you. Encourage me, and i will not forget you." These words by William A. Ward say it all. We all want to be encouraged every single day. In the busyness of our daily lives and moving from one task to another, we forget to pause and reflect and encourage ourselves through that reflection. So, how do you encourage others? How do you encourage yourself to keep going? When our cup is full, we help other people to fill their cup as well.

This is what being part of a community is all about. Encouraging others and being encouraged yourself in the process. we have recently added a few new additions to our community, gatherings like Power Hours where we get together and discuss important life (Soulful Power Hour) and business topics (Worthy Power Hour) twice a month. We also have our September WOW Social coming up on September 24th. We know when women feel encouraged, we can overcome the most difficult situations in life.

Today, we would like to remind you to keep encouraging yourself to move forward, no matter how you are feeling today or what you are going through. If you are going through challenging times, these times will pass and might become one of the most important lessons in your life.

And, to help you grow your business, meet other amazing women, learn about cultures, network, and just have fun, we are inviting you to join us for our WOW Social on September 24th @10AM PT. It is open for members and non-members. Free to participate. RSVP here.

Hope your week is full of encouragement and productivity!

Have you joined our free 'Recharge' challenge?

Happy September!

In preparation for the holiday season and to help you recharge, we are inviting you to join our 'Recharge' 3-week challenge.


  • Cost: Free to participate

  • Who can participate: Open for members and non-members

  • How long: This is a 3-week challenge that starts September 12-September 30

  • What’s included? Meditation and breathing, clarity, and business related reminders.

Ready to join? Join here.

Exciting Community Updates

Here is a brief overview of all the exciting announcements at @womenoftheworldnetwork including:

- Woman Worldy Boxes and Marketplace. Order yours here

- Strengthen to Thrive content available for lifetime for our Strengthen and Thrive members

- Introducing WOW Ambassador. More info here

- WOW Power Hours (available for our Strengthen and Thrive members)

- Proceeds from each new member will go toward non-profit benefiting refugees, single moms, and kids;

- AND, our 3-week “Recharge” challenge starting September 12 is completely free and open for members and non-members. Sign up here

Worldly Woman Artisan Boxes Are Here!

Do you remember when you were looking for that meaningful gift for your best client, your sister or your friend? That meaningful gift that excites the receiver and the giver?

We are sooo happy and excited to introduce you to the Worldly Woman Artisan Boxes! This project was born about a year ago as an initiative of Women of the World Network® to bring together amazing products made by multicultural women entrepreneurs and make them known among a wide network of contacts.

And now we are happy to give you an opportunity to pre-order these boxes!

The boxes will be shipped in September and perfect time for holidays, you can pre-order yours here

Women of the World Network® Celebrations

We are at a mid-year already, can you believe it? We have been pretty busy here on our end and want to let you know what is happening at WOTWN!

1) Our new Podcast is now available!! Listen to the episodes here!
2) Our second multi-author book became a #1 International bestseller. Congratulations to all of our authors! You can check out the book details here!
3) Strengthen to Thrive on-demand program is now available for our members
4) AND, we have an EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT that we will be introducing you to on July 15th - look out for our email and future posts for details!

Women of the World Network® Money multi-author book series

We are working on our third multi author book dedicated to money. Our book mission is helping women grow in abundance and impact while owning their worth and staying true to who they are. We are looking for advisers, money coaches, money mindset coaches who have a story to share. If you are interested, please email us: info@womenoftheworldnetwork.com

We will have an informational book call on June 23 @12PM PT. Our special offer to participate in our book goes up in one week and I wanted to make sure you have your questions answered if you are considering in participating in our next multi-author, bestseller book. This call will be recorded and if you register for it, we will send you a recording of it.

Five reasons why you should consider participating in multi-author book series

Have you ever considered participating in multi-author book series? You might have thought about it but changed your mind or may be you were not sure and had some doubts. Either way, here are five reasons why you should consider participating in multi-author book.

Here they are:

First, participating in the anthology will help you build awareness for your brand and your name. When I bought my first anthology book and read it, I connected with a lot of women in the book and that is how I met those women - through their stories. Having read their stories helped me to get to know that person so much more. When we connected, it helped us form a bond and a close connection.

Second, participating in the anthology can increase exposure for you and your brand. One reason that anthologies are so popular today is because every co-author in the book is distributing her copy and spreading a message about that book and that multiplies your exposure as a co-author.

Third, participating in the anthology helps you create your content that is professionally edited and ready to be re-used. We do 2 rounds of edits in our anthologies. As a story compiler, we only keep the compilation rights giving the rights to each co-author to re-use their own story. This story can be re-used elsewhere in their brand marketing: blog, emails, interviews, video, etc.

Fourth, participating in the anthology will allow you to start writing your story without necessarily committing to a full book yet. Only 2,000 words. Great start, great practice. Could take that chapter and develop it into a book later. This is a great practice and a great start if you are considering to write your own book some day.

Finally, participating in the anthology will increase your chances in becoming a bestselling author. Both of our books achieved a #1 International bestselling status in several countries worldwide. We are very honored and proud of this accomplishment and congratulate all of our amazing co-authors!

We are currently working on our third multi-author book and a special offer to join is closing in about 2 weeks. If you would like to participate in our next multi-author book series and have questions, join us for our next book call on June 23 @12PM PT. RSVP here.

If you have any other questions, email us:

Our Recipe Book for Mind, Body, and Soul print version is here!!

We are happy to let you know that our international bestseller 'Recipe Book for Mind, Body, and Soul' print version is here! We are so excited to share these amazing stories with you! Congratulations to all our current international bestselling authors!

We hope you enjoy these amazing stories as much as we did! You can purchase your book copy here

We would also like to remind you that we are starting on our third multi-author bestseller book dedicated to women, money and influence. We are looking for financial coaches, money mindset coaches or those who have mastered their money mindset and can share their lessons and help others do the same. If you are interested to participate in our next book, email us: info@womenoftheworldnetwork.com

Congratulations again to all our current international bestselling authors!


Your Money Routine

Do you have a daily, weekly or quarterly money routine that you follow? Since we are talking about success routine this month, we want to discuss money routine. Whatever method you use, daily or weekly, it is important to do it consistently. You attract more of what you pay attention to!

Some of the things included in my daily money routine:

- Checking my business and personal accounts for income and expenses (using apps like Mint can help)
- Working with a wealth advisor that can help you organize and re-distribute your money
- Pay myself - making sure I save and pay myself monthly
- Have a money planner that includes my financial goals

What is your daily money routine? Share your comments below

We are launching our next multi-author, bestseller book series and we are dedicating it to women and money, if you have a learning experience involving money attitudes and lessons and would like to participate and share your story, email us: mailto:info@womenoftheworldnetwork.com

Our Book: “Recipes for Body, Mind and Soul” hits #1 International Bestseller in 5 countries

**#1 International Best Seller Update**

We are excited to a share that our book: Recipes for your Mind, Body, and Soul: From Women of the World Network® has now hit #1 International Best Selling Status! Hitting Best Selling Status in 5 countries: US, Canada, Italy, Australia, and France! For a total of 63 Best Selling Categories ...with 18 of them ranking #1!

Thank you for your amazing support in helping us reach so many people! It means so much to us and makes this success possible. Thank you for being a part of our community and Congratulations to all of the authors of this powerful anthology! Our digital book copy can be purchased here

If you are interested in our Series 3 Anthology, email us: info@womenoftheworldnetwork.com

What are Your Motives in Developing Influence?

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary: "Influence is the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways". What is Influence to you?

Last year we experienced a global pandemic that we are still recovering from. During the difficult times people turn to leaders and influencers to help them answer their questions and lead. It is important to stand up as a leader during the important times such as these. If you are a leader in the big organization or lead your own company, your employees and customers turn to you for answers during the difficult times. It is important to be your own leader first and lead with integrity.

What I learnt from one of my mentors John Maxwell is that people are driven by different motives to develop their influence.

Your followers have to know your motives are truthful and right. Followers have to believe that the leader has the right motives because motives reveal leaders heart.

Your motives could include:
- You want to advance yourself, your personal status, your wealth and power
- You want to advance an issue
- You want to advance a cause or mission

We talk about these and other motives in depth in our upcoming Influence series that are part of our Influence program. If you'd like to learn more about our Influence program, you can sign up for our upcoming Q&A call on April 5th @12:30PM PST here.

Save the date: April 7th

As you probably know, here at Women of the World Network™ we publish anthologies every year where we have several women share their beautiful stories. Our first anthologypublished in 2021 represents women from 13 countries and became an international bestseller in 9 countries in 52 categories!!

This year, we are about to release our second series titled "Recipes for Body, Mind, and Soul" representing unique cooking and life recipes by women from 12 countries. Each chapter starts with a background story and followed by a recipe that originated in most cases as a result of that story or played an important role in that story. We know you will love this book.

This book will be launched on April 7th. During the first 24-48 hours of the book launch we will be offering it for the special rate of $1.99 USD. We will be sending additional notifications and announcements on our social media channels as we get closer to that date.

We are also launching our next series dedicated to women, money, and influence conversations. If you are interested to showcase your story, gain exposure, and/or participate in our Influence program, please let us know here.

Happy International Woman's Day

Happy International Women's Day Women of the World Network™!

On this beautiful spring day, I want to talk about femininity. Google talks about femininity as being "being verbal and communicative, emotive or effusive, being nurturing and having an appreciation for beautiful or aesthetically pleasing things". Tatiana Dudyez says: "some of the most successful women are most feminine". Aren't these such beautiful definitions?

Last year we had an amazing Retreat at Canyon Lake in Hill Country, TX. We had a great get away and 2-days of time for ourselves, away from the daily business and to-do’s. When our Retreat has ended, what I realized is we, business and professional women absolutely need time like this on consistent basis, time to get away, re-charge, but most of all wake up our feminine energy. As business and professional women, we can operate in a masculine energy in the busyness of daily routine: sales, action taking, wealth acquisition, doing something to pursue our ambition. Although, it is important to find time to get back to our femininity and women energy that is more nurturing, inspiring, it desires love, it's supportive. It grounds us and helps us increase our creativity.

To me, being feminine is also being who I truly am, in my daily life, in my business life, being a mother, a daughter, and wife. I definitely see changes happen when I operate from my feminine self and when I am not trying to be anyone else. I notice the flow of my business and my life have this amazing energy about them.

Here are couple of exercises that can help you explore your femininity:
- Find a creative exercise that you love and do it on consistent basis, it could be drawing, dancing or music
- Breathing is always great but now we deep breathe to get grounded and quiet our minds so we can listen to our body and what desires it will like to explore
- Self-healing thoughts - start thinking how amazing, beautiful, sexy, young, healthy, smart, feminine, kind you are (or whatever definition works for you)

Our Strengthen to Thrive program that is now available for all new members starting April includes femininity series and I am excited to be introducing it to you soon. If you are not a member yet, you can still sign up through the link above and participate in the program.

Happy Anniversary Month Women of the World Network™

Happy Anniversary Women of the World Network™ and Happy Women's History Month!

We have launched our community during the month of March to support, educate, and celebrate women! In fact our very first California meeting took place on March 8, on the International women's day three years ago. We are so happy where this journey has taken us and where we are going as a community!

What we have accomplished since we launched:

- Empowering and supporting women representing 21 countries
- Launched our first Women of the World Anthology (Series 1) that includes unique powerful stories of women from 13 countries. This Anthology has become a #1 International Bestseller in 9 countries including US, UK, France, Australia, Germany, Canada, Italy, Mexico, and Spain
- Launching our Recipes for Mind, Body, and Soul Anthology (Series 2) that includes unique life and kitchen recipes from women from 12 countries (launches April 7)
- Launched Empower Program
- Expanded into 5 regions and 8 chapters in the US
- Supported several non-profits benefiting women and children
- Multiple powerful partnerships were formed between our members

To celebrate our anniversary this month, we are:
- Launching a dedicated empowerment Strengthen to Thrive program for members. This program is focused around three of our pillars: Personal Fulfillment, Professional Growth, and Global Connects
- We've added a new way for members to promote their events that do not fall under the E-Academy format
- We are giving away 10% of all incoming membership fees to the non-profit organizations benefiting children, refugees women, and single moms

As always, we invite you to join us at any of our upcoming meetings this month to check out our community and meet our amazing women!

Women of the World Network Interview with Maurine Xavier

This video is part of Women of the World Network Friday Ladies Live Chat, conversation between Elle Ballard and Maurine Xavier

For more information about Maurine Xavier:

www.maurinexavier.com and


For more information about Women of the World Network, visit: www.womenofthewor_ldnetwork.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WomenOfTheWo..
IG: https://www.instagram.com/womenofthew...
LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3bz6NeB

Women of the World Network Interview with Olga Holte

This video is part of Women of the World Network Friday Ladies Live Chat, conversation between Elle Ballard and Olga Holte

For more information about Olga Holte join her FB group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/happy.holistic.healthy.lifestyle

For more information about Women of the World Network, visit: www.womenofthewor_ldnetwork.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WomenOfTheWo.. IG: https://www.instagram.com/womenofthew... LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3bz6NeB

Interested in Empower but not sure if it is for you?

Are you interested in Empower but not sure if it is for you?

EMPOWER is a year-long, holistic coaching and support program for women who are ready to grow

Each quarter, you’ll have the opportunity to decide which track is right for you and enroll in a 6-week coaching program led by one of our mind-blowingly brilliant resident experts. 

Empower Coaches and Program Info

Program Benefits:

Benefit #1

Customized, holistic approach to help you reach your next level goals. Select one track for a year or mix & match

Benefit #2

Full-year access to our Women of the World Network Community & Programs

Benefit #3

WOTWN Worldly Woman on-demand training on our three pillars
(available until Nov. 15)

Empower Coaches and Program Info